Travel Planning

  • Travel Planning Mistakes
    Travel Planning

    5 Travel Planning Mistakes You Should Not Make

    Have you ever made big mistakes when travel planning?  Weeding through all the noise when planning a trip, especially when traveling abroad can be tiring.  Do I book my flights on a Tuesday and exactly 6 months in advance? When should I travel to a specific location? Should I book tickets in advance for a popular site or just show up?  Hold on to your seats because these mistakes are all ones I have personally made (GASP!). Luckily, I’m sharing my top 5 travel planning mistakes to avoid with you, so you don’t have to experience them. Read on my friends!  1. Booking Your Flight too Quickly Before we go any…

  • London Gatwick on Departures Board
    Travel Planning

    3 Reasons to Not Avoid a Layover at London Gatwick [Updated 2025]

    London Gatwick was a new layover location for me on a recent trip.  Since we live in Austin, one of the few direct flights to Europe is London. Usually, we end up going through Heathrow which can be a pain to traverse as one of the biggest airports in the world.  Gatwick was a nice change and offers some great perks, in my opinion, as a layover location.  1. Gatwick Connects **UPDATE – I no longer see an option for this program as of 2025** This flight connection program is genius.  I am one of those travelers who researchers flights possibilities for weeks before booking and try to find the…

  • Europe Travel Tips
    Travel Planning

    Helpful Tips for Europe Travel You Need to Know

    Do you have a trip to Europe coming up, or want to plan one? These helpful Europe travel tips will give you great essential insight whether you’ve been there before, or are going for the first time.  When I started traveling to Europe, I had no idea how to navigate or what to expect. There have been some surprises each time I go back, even on my most recent trip.  Read on for my tops tips that I’ve collected from traveling over the past decade, and for more stories from my past travels. I mean, my pain is your gain! Airport and Airline Tips Let’s face it, most of the time…

  • Passion can lead you to an amazing vacation itinerary
    Travel Planning

    How to Plan an Amazing Vacation Itinerary Anywhere

    How do you plan an amazing vacation itinerary in any location?  I am guilty of sometimes over planning and over scheduling (a person who loves travel planning OVER planning, no way!). After organizing numerous trips now, I feel like I have found a balance. We know how to plan just enough to keep us engaged and active, but not so much that we don’t actually stop to enjoy the moment.  No matter where you are traveling to, big city or small town, mountains or countryside, we have tips to help you narrow the choices down. Read on to learn how to easily plan a great itinerary in any location.  What Do…

  • ATM
    Travel Planning

    How to Avoid Tourist Traps on Vacation

    Ahhh how to avoid tourist traps on vacation.  This is an interesting topic to write about, because some of it can be subjective. I don’t think anyone wants to be ripped off. However, some people might love a huge tour group with 30 people, and others despise and think it’s a true tourist trap.  Below is a compiled list of the tourist traps to avoid or be aware of when planning a vacation, in my opinion.  Currency Exchange & Where to Withdraw Cash Isn’t money the root of all evil? I think that might be true when it comes to some of the currency scams out there.  The lighter end of…

  • How to Easily Plan Cheap Vacations to Europe
    Travel Planning

    How to Easily Plan Cheap Vacations to Europe

    Have you ever wondered how others plan cheap vacations to Europe?  You see their Instagram or Facebook pictures in Prague, Munich, Lisbon, or wherever their trip takes them, and you get a little jealous. I want to help you become the person in those pictures, and show you it’s not as expensive as you think (Gasp! Could it be true?).   It’s taken me a number years to find valuable resources, and I want to share with you to help you save time and money. Isn’t saving time and money what what we all need in life?  I’ll break down my tips and resources into a number of sections below, so…

  • Airport long layover
    Travel Planning

    Top 3 Reasons You Should Book a Long Layover

    Wait a minute, did you say book a longer layover? Yes, yes I did. There are some good reasons to book a long layover, especially while traveling abroad.  I know it might sound crazy at first, but hear me out. I do think that an hour our two layover is a good way to go when traveling across the US, or across a few countries in Europe.  I’ve booked many domestic flights that required a layover, and it feels like there is a such a delicate balance to maintain. Book enough time for the layover in case of delays, so you have time to eat and use the restroom, etc, but…

  • Packing Tips for Vacation
    Travel Planning

    5 Packing Tips You Need for Your Next Vacation [Free Checklist]

    Have you ever overpacked for a vacation? Or maybe you showed up at your destination with all the wrong things? I have, and want to share my packing tips that you need for your next vacation.  Ok, I’ll admit it. The first time I traveled to Europe from the US, I packed waaay too much. I was definitely “that” tourist dragging a huge suitcase down the cobblestone streets of Rome. I didn’t have anyone to guide me through my packing process with their do’s and don’ts.  Read on my friends, so you can save yourself from extra time and effort, and maybe even some pulled muscles. 1. Travel Essentials List…